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    College of Engineering and Applied Sciences


    Computer Science Professor Inspires Charitable Donations through Art


    中国空中Wi-Fi市场预期达百亿(2) - 旅游 - 新京报网:2021-5-10 · 去年起中国航空Wi-Fi布局加速,未来将带动空中购物消费新模式 (上接D06版) 现状 2021年起中国航空空中Wi-Fi布局加速 作为过渡,我国很多航空公司 ...
    关于建设具有全球影响力创新名城的若干政策措施_中国江苏网:2021-1-5 · 建立孵化器、加速器、众创空间绩效考核奖励制度,纳入省级伍上孵育计划的予伍省拨经费1:1共同支持;在三年孵化期内每成功培育一家高新技术 ...
    “双千兆”成为贵州加速发展“双引擎”-国际在线:2021-5-21 · 2021年,贵州移动更是按下5G建设加速键,秉持打造硬核5G名片和建设5G精品网络的理念,一手抓疫情防控,一手抢5G工期,争分夺秒,在加速实施5G网络中心城市建设的同时,也全力推进县城的覆盖。4月伍来,全省9个市州捷报频传,实现5G网络县县通。
    Research on DNA/RNA Sequencing Data Wins Srivastava President's Award to Doctoral Students
    Stony Brook Led Team Using Twitter to Measure and Forecast Changes in COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health

    Upcoming Events

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      16th International Conference on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2023)

      The Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) will host the 16th International Conference on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2023) virtually on November 5, 2023. The conference will center on the four major fields which are penetrating our business and personal lives: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Computational Medicine. For more info visit: http://www.cewit.org/.

    • 05
      CEWIT 2023 Conference

      The 16th International Conference on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World is taking place virtually on November 5, 2023. Our expert speakers will include international professionals from healthcare, machine learning, engineering, information sciences & more.

      中国空中Wi-Fi市场预期达百亿(2) - 旅游 - 新京报网:2021-5-10 · 去年起中国航空Wi-Fi布局加速,未来将带动空中购物消费新模式 (上接D06版) 现状 2021年起中国航空空中Wi-Fi布局加速 作为过渡,我国很多航空公司 ...http://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/cewit/conference2023/index.php

    Shaping the Future of Computing: Computer Science Alum, Jesmin Jahan Tithi, Inducted into the ACM Future of Computing Academy


    Kaufman Inducted Into Prestigious IEEE Visualization Academy


    党的十九大报告学习辅导百问(六十六)| 为什么要破除妨碍 ...:2021-1-17 · 厚植“双创”环境,打造人才聚集的“加速器” 【网络媒体走转改】人才"小目标" 垒造"大发展" 近20城放松落户抢人才 变相调低购房门槛 人才驱动创新 南山发展独具门道 18城楼市的“分类调控”:伍吸引人才的名义 十八大伍来累计到粤工作外国人才75万人次


    Three Computer Science Grads Among Stony Brook's 40 Under Forty Honorees


    Computer Science PhD Grad Featured on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt


    New Fingertip Keyboard Technology Recognized at Human-Computer Interface Symposium


    Two Computer Science Faculty Receive 2023 Yahoo Research Faculty and Research Engagement Program Awards


    SBUHacks: An Incubator for Student Innovation


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